Intervention and Referral Services
What is I&RS?
The Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) is a primary way in which we support teachers’ and students’ needs in the general education environment. I&RS is not intended to replace traditional methods or resources for helping students to function effectively in school. Its primary focus is to utilize resources and expertise within the school community to help children be successful.
The I&RS team:
- identifies the responsibilities of building staff who participate in the planning and provision of intervention and referral services
- actively involves parents/guardians in the development and implementation of the I&RS plans
- identifies students in need and then plans and provides appropriate interventions for those students within the general education community
- reviews and assesses the effectiveness of the services provided in achieving the outcomes identified in the intervention and referral action plan
The I &RS Process
The I&RS process is a collaborative effort between school personnel and families targeting identified needs for students exhibiting academic, behavioral/emotional, or health-related concerns.
Using a team approach, we carefully consider the needs of students who are identified as at risk for learning, behavior, and/or health problems.
The team collects and evaluates relevant data in order to determine or identify specific barriers to student performance.
Once these barriers have been identified, individualized interventions are determined, implemented, and documented in an I &RS action plan or a 504 Accommodation Plan if appropriate.
The I &RS process is ongoing and continues to monitor student progress within the student's academic setting. It is often the case that plans are revisited and revised. Other options may be explored if the I &RS process exhausts all available school-based regular education interventions with minimal success over an extended period.
Who May Be Referred?
A child may be referred to I&RS if he/she is experiencing academic, emotional, and/or behavioral difficulties.
If you believe your child would benefit from services through the I&RS, you are encouraged to speak to the school counselor.