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Project Child Find

Project Child Find is a free referral service and public awareness campaign to assist in the identification of unserved/underserved youth with a delay or disability from birth through 21 years of age. Project Child Find also develops and distributes information to the public about early intervention services and Special Education programs throughout New Jersey.  The toll-free number for Project Child Find is 800-322-8174.

Infants and Toddlers (Birth to Age 3)

If you are concerned that your infant or toddler is developing or learning differently, you can call the New Jersey Early Intervention System Point of Entry (SPOE) at 1-888-653-4463, option 4.  You also can visit their website for more information on New Jersey Early Intervention. 

Preschool Children (Ages 3 to 5)

If you are concerned that your preschool child is developing or learning differently, you can contact the Watchung Borough Schools Office of Special Services to discuss your concerns and to determine if an evaluation is warranted.  

  1. Send an e-mail to the Department of Special Services Office Assistant at  Please include: child’s name, child's date of birth, gender of child, parent(s) full names, parent and child address, telephone numbers (home, work, and cell), the best time to contact you, languages spoken at home, and a description of your concerns about your child.
  2. The Department of Special Services Office Assistant, Lisa Mahon, will contact you to schedule an Initial Identification and Evaluation Planning Meeting with the child study team.

School-Age Students (Ages 5-21)

If you are concerned that your school-age child is developing or learning differently, you can request a meeting with your child's teacher and/or the Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Committee.

You also have the right to request a child study team evaluation for consideration of special education and related services.  Any such request would need to be in writing and directed by e-mail to or by mail to

Watchung Borough Schools, Office of Special Services, 113 Bayberry Lane, Watchung, NJ  07069.