District News
A regular meeting of the Watchung Borough Board of Education is scheduled for Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 7:00 pm.
The Board of Education will host an in-person information forum about the Valley View field and outdoor learning commons referendum projects with the opportunity for public input and Q&A.
- Community
- Referendum
Help us plan the future! Participate in any or all three of our meetings. Bring a friend or neighbor!
- Community
- Strategic Plan
Please be advised that the Watchung Borough Board of Education will meet on the dates listed below.
- Business Office
As 2024 comes to a close, I find myself reflecting with gratitude and pride on the journey we’ve shared this past year.
- Superintendent
I am writing to inform you about upcoming referendum construction projects at Valley View Middle School that will be happening over the winter school break...
- Referendum
We are proud to showcase completed referendum projects and the
refurbished Adventure Course funded by the Watchung Education
- Community
An referendum project update was given at the October 24, 2024 BOE meeting by Conor O'Brien, Construction Project Executive, of Legacy Construction Management
- Referendum
Bayberry News
The preschool program at Bayberry Elementary School is open to all Watchung Borough resident children who are 3 and 4 years of age by October 1, 2025.
- Registration
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our 2025 Educators of the Year!
- Principal
Get your ugly sweaters & holiday hats ready!
- Principal
Here are a few reminders & announcements!
- Principal
Red Ribbon Week highlights the importance of living a healthy, drug-free life!
- Principal
Next week, October 7th - October 11th, we will be celebrating The Week of Respect!
- Principal
I hope you are having an enjoyable and restful summer! The first day of school for students is just around the corner on August 29th!
- Principal
Will your child be 5 years old by October 1st, 2024? If so, they are ready for Kindergarten! Register online.
- Registration
Valley View News
It is with great pride that we announce Mrs. Kaitlin Basile as the Valley View Teacher of the Year and Mrs. Cindy Scalera as the Valley View Education Support Professional of the Year
- Principal
Thursday, January 30th is the 8th grade Curriculum Night Presentation at WHRHS
- Counseling
- Principal
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, January 9, there will be a parent presentation starting at 6:30 pm with Dr. Fowlin in the Valley View APR.
- Principal
In the spirit of giving, we are excited to announce our upcoming Winter Clothing Drive!
We are excited to announce that the parent presentation with Dr. Mykee Fowlin has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 9th
- Community
- Principal
As we approach the final stretch before winter break, we have an exciting week of events and activities planned.
- Principal
We are excited to share that our 8th-grade students have the opportunity to attend the Winter Musical Showcase at Watchung Hills Regional High School
- Principal
We are excited to invite you to our annual TREP$ Marketplace, where our young entrepreneurs showcase their creativity and hard work.
- Principal